New foster or adoption?

It can be a challenge integrating rescue dogs into a new environment. As a foster parent myself, I know first hand just how much of a roller coaster ride it can be. I am a self proclaimed, “human who lives with dogs professionally”. I also have over 6+ years of experience consulting with local shelters and rescues. Whether they are hyperactive adolescents, formerly-ferals, grey muzzles or a new puppy, I would love the opportunity to help get everyone started on the path to success.

Use the link below to schedule a complimentary 1 hour in-home consultation.

Additional Services for Rescue Organizations

On Site / In-Boarding Evaluation (20min)

For rescues that need evaluations of dogs currently in boarding facilities

If you have multiple dogs needing evaluations, additional dogs can be included (see link above)

In-Home Follow Up Visit (60min)

For dogs currently in rescue that could benefit from an additional visit